The driving idea behind this blog is to raise awareness among people about the importance to be surrounded by trees and green areas.
My aim is to post useful information about this topic and help local association to spread the word.
Did you guys hear about the London Garden Bridge? This footbridge will link north and south of London from Temple to South bank and it will be completely free. The construction works started this year and the they should be completed by 2019.
This is an amazing idea and the project needs the support of many people, just leave a comment it is not required to subscribe or give money. People will have the chance to immerse themselves in green even when everything around them is grey.
Hello All, my name is Jenny and I decided to start a blog about trees since I am a nature lover and I get heart broken every time I see trees being cut in order to develop a new building. I live in London and I am part of the Tree Warden Scheme of my borough, my aim is to have as many people as possible involved in this blog in order to have the greenest London as never before. If you happy to help me, please spread the word. Talk soon. Jenny