Saturday 15 April 2017


In my previous post "Breath your trees" I mentioned how the air quality in the Putney High street was dramatic because of the high number of buses per hour running through this street.
The full article is in this link:

Well, I was very please when I saw that something has been done NOW in order to make a change: 

Friday 7 April 2017


Hello All,

browsing online, I recently found out some links regarding kindergartens managed in forests. I thought it was a bizarre idea and I wanted to find out more information about them, so here my discovery...

Forest Kindergartens are defined as a pre-school for kids and the majority of activities take place primarily outdoor. 

Regardless of the weather conditions children are encouraged to stay outdoor and they are free to learn from the nature, their activities are focused on play and explore flora and fauna that surround them, everything with adults supervision. 
As a general rule, usually mornings are spend outdoors and the afternoons indoor.

The most interesting fact is that this innovative educative method seems to have several benefits among children, such as:

*promote language skills and communication; 
*reduce stress level;
*improve the balance, agility, coordination and sensitivity;
*improve attention;
*further more, playing outdoor proved to strengthen the immune system.

Germany embraced this kind of education starting from 1968 and since than kindergartens in the wild increased their popularity, in 2012 they were over 1000.

Please have a look at this super interesting video about the German Kindergarten, you will find further information about the way this structure works and you can see the super excited reactions of kids:

Kindergartens education has spread in Canada too, and this Ted video will fascinate you:

I really liked this way of teaching as it reminds me when I was young and the time spent outdoor running around with my friends and create our imaginary world made of sticks and fantasy. 
I hope you liked this post and I wish all Europe will embrace this way to educate their children.