Wednesday 16 December 2020

... while in Ghana...

A couple of years ago Ghana's startup came up with an amazing idea that can solve two problems with one action.... they recycle plastics and build roads!!

If you have a couple of minutes to spare, watch this short Youtube video, it is inspiring to see how in Ghana they have been able to come up with this brilliant idea and reuse the plastic to pave their roads.

I believe this is an example that could be copied in so many countries and solve two problems at once: plastic dumping and the unpaved, dusty roads.

Let me know what you think about this idea.

Saturday 5 December 2020

Brazil: Reforming the garbage economy

Hi All,

hope you are coping well with these unique circumstances!!

Today I'd like you to watch the following video.

It talks about the garbage recycling that is happening since 2018 in Brasilia, in Brazil. It is a great example of how waste can be managed and improved in areas where it is actually a huge problem.

Can't wait to hear your comments.