The driving idea behind this blog is to raise awareness among people about the importance to be surrounded by trees and green areas.
My aim is to post useful information about this topic and help local association to spread the word.
Hello All! If your are planning to go on holiday in Canada this year, you better have a look at the below link which entitle to get a Free Pass for the Canadian Park for the whole 2017.
This special promotion has been put in place in order to celebrate the 150 years of the confederation. The pass gives the opportunity to enter National Parks, National Marine Conservation Areas and National Historic Sites across the country.
I am super excited about this article. A friend in my Tree Wander team suggested me to have a look at the following speech from TED. It talks about the Amazon, my favourite place on Earth. In this talk, professor Nobre compares the Amazon to the heart of the world and the water that goes through it as the blood that run in the human bodies. He also mentions the biodiversity that populate the forest... very fascinating!!! I loved this talk and I hope you will find it very interesting too!! LET'S SAVE OUR PLANET!!