Friday 11 August 2017


Hello guys,

I just found a new way to purify water in our homes!

It is called "Drop by Drop" and it has been invented by a student of the Royal College of Art's (RCA) masters programme in Innovation Design Engineering.

The project consists on recreating a mini Amazone forest under a glass dome, in this way when the light shines into the plants, they will start the photosynthesis and transpire. At this point, the water will be drawn from the roots into the leaves in form of vapour and the moisture can be collected as purified distilled water. 
Also, this system will also allow to releases oxygen into the room.

There can be used any kind of plants or herbs, and this mini biosphere utilizes the keys elements the nature such as transpiration, warmth, light and humidity to purity water. Dirty waters coming from kitchen or bathroom can be poured in the plants and the system will purify them.

This project is still at its beginning and Ghosh, the engineer who invented it, hope this idea can be implemented in the rooftops of the British houses while some other engineers are interested to apply it in China in order to help to fight the high pollution level of the country.

It seems to me a great idea and I wist THE BEST TO LUCK to this innovative project!!

Further information can be found in the below website:

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