Tuesday 23 October 2018


Hello All,

Recently I read this news about the Amazon Rain Forest which denounce how trees are still being cut uncontrollably. 

I found this information VERY disturbing, and what it really upsets me is the fact that local authorities are not doing enough to protect this rare treasure.

Accordingly to the latest researches conducted by Institute for Man and the Environment of the Amazon (Imazon), it seems that in March 2018 the deforestation rate in the Amazon increased of almost 250% compared to the same period of the 2017. I personally consider this data very alarming!!

The deforestation involves the states that surround the Amazon such as Mato Grosso (which counts for almost half of the trees cutting), Roraima, Para’, Amazonas and Rondionia, and this study declares that the issues lays on private ownership. 
In fact, the lands involved in the deforestation are not State property and therefore the authorities have difficulties in controlling them.
A different evaluation conducted by Soy Moratorium, support this savage trees cutting and it reports the need to cut trees in order to create land for soybeans crops for the local residents. Also, the agrarian reforms implemented in the last few years have supported this trend. 

It seems that the local Amazon administrations consider and evaluate mainly the opinion of the INPE (National Institute for Space Research) which sustains the complete opposite and affirms that nowadays Brazil is having the lowest rate of deforestation since the last twenty years.

Despite the fact the Google Earth Engine platform helps to monitor the deforestation and the forest degradation, the Brazilian authorities do not seem to take into consideration those data. The images not only reveal that the deforestation has increase of about ten times since 2017 but also the degradation of the forest has increase of a third as well.

As a result, there is a huge discrepancy on information, data and numbers and the only one who suffer in this limbo of miscommunication is the Amazon.

I am very disappointed about this brutal exploitation of the natural resources and I urge anyone who can advise me how I can help to preserve this piece of paradise to please contact me.

I want to save this green lung!!

For further information please visit the following websites:



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