Tuesday 20 February 2018


After the Climate Conference that took place in Paris in Dember 2015, India Governament started taking things really seriously and they put in place a series of event in order to reforest their country.

India is an up bite developing country and 6 out of 10 of the world's most polluted cities are situated in this country. The Ruling Class realized they have to do something in order to fight the high pollution rate in their doorsteps. Activists hope the reforestation will decrease pollution levels helping the country to give a better air quality to its population.
With the wellness of the citizens as priority, since 2015 planting trees has become a serious commitment and India is aiming to reforest 12% of its total land area in the years that come.

The biggest event happen just few months ago when in July 2017, 800,000 volunteers worked for a whole day claiming the world record for planting 80 different species for a total of over 40 million trees.

A real epic effort!! Well done India!!

I cannot help to mention Shubhendu Sharma who has had an amazing idea about the reforestation of India.

Shubhendu Sharma is an Indian industrial engineer who left his job in Toyota to dedicate his time to his passion for nature. This guy is now a successful entrepreneur and he discovered the formula that discloses how to create a forest in few steps, even in your back garden.

All you need is soil, seeds and water.

Soil: add some biomass to it so the water can be absorbed and stay moisturized: in this way the micro-organisms can recreate and nurture the soil. It is essential to spread on the surface some mulch, in order to maintain the moist and the heath of the terrain.

Seeds: it is advisable to use native species seeds of the area and consider the growth of the trees on four level. Make sure that the same kind of trees are not planting close to each otherwise when they grow they will fight for the same nutrients and space.

Water: water regularly. The roots help to create a network of micro-organism, nutrition and fungi, and this is a very good sign that the land is rich of nutrients. Even though it seems that at the beginning the forest does not grow on the surface, the roots are expanding and they can grow up to 1 meter in 3 months. For the first 2 years it is important to maintain the forest watered and clear form weeds, so they do not suffocate the trees.

When the forest grows the sunlight will not reach the soil any longer and because of this the weeds will stop growing. Also, the leaves that die from the trees will become their nutrients and watering will not be needed and the forest will be self-sufficient.

India is giving wonderful examples on how to help our planet to create more oxygen and now we do not have any more excuses considering the secret of how to create a forest has been disclosed.

Further information can be found in the below video:

